Utrecht A 12 zone 2020

Utrecht A 12 zone 2020


Frits van Loon
Nico Tillie

Guest teachers:

Paul Roncken
Gabriel Geluk

With the ideology of the interdependency between a healthy green and blue structure and a healthy human habitat, the design studio continued in 2020. We found a great partner in Paul Roncken who is PARK (Provinciaal Adviseur Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit = Provincial Advisor on Spatial Qulity) of the province of Utrecht. He developed an overall Ringpark concept for the Province of Utrecht as a first framework with abstract and concrete park and landscape elements on different scale levels. Part of the densification assignment for the province is envisioned in the A 12 zone between Utrecht / Nieuwegein / Houten which is also the location of a landscape park as part of the third Ring of the Ringpark concept.

Here the students need to make their designs for the new Urban park of the 21st century., considering the flows of the area and creating new living environments. In the opening of the course, speakers were invited to share their thoughts on the assignment and at the end of the course to review on the final results. The speakers are:

Martijn van Veelen : Provincie Utrecht
Lotte Witte : Provincie Utrecht
Joost van Faasseen : Gemeente Utrecht
Kris Schaasberg : MVRDV
Jorrit Noordhuizen : NohNik
Gijs van den Boomen : KuiperCompagnons
Gerwin de Vries : Flux 

The students worked in three teams of 6 or 7 on the assignment. This is quite a task but necessary to able to handle the complexity of these new design assignments.

Pattern, Then, Now, Next
Farnoosh Bazrafkan, Gary Gilson, Kailun Qi Pu Jiang, Theo Braekman, Sun Yun, Yu Liu
Flowcity, Cityflow
Emmanouela Maria Armoutaki, Floris Beijer, Ioanna Kokkona, Kuei-Tso Chen, Ran Yan, Liaw Su Xin
A New Cultivation of the River Landscape
Esmee van Eeden, Francesca Mazza, Jan Houweling, Xinyu He, Yayun Gao, Yu Zheng, Lotte Oppenhuis