The Art of Letting G(r)o(w)

Urban Ecology > Ecocampus > Ecoconcepts > The Art of Letting G(r)o(w)

The Art of Letting G(r)o(w)

The aim of The Campus of Living Things: The Art of Letting G(r)o(w) is improving the coexistence of people and wildlife. We envision a symbiotic relationship in which the built environment becomes a part of a larger ecosystem. In this approach we work as much as possible with what is already on the campus like soil, building materials, bio-waste, but also taking into account the spatial qualities that also exist. The Art of Letting G(r)o(w) is based on allowing more vegetation to grow spontaneously and creating more diverse habitats, more biotopes that will actually refer to the non-human species that are often a marginalized part of the urban environment. We will take a close look at the current maintenance plan to see what changes we can apply in order to create a richer biodiverse environment. Different areas will be maintained in different stages of succession, other areas will be allowed to go all the way through this cycle. In addition, small interventions can be done to establish more gradient in the landscape and create a better starting point for nature development.


Hanvit Lee
Jan Houweling
Pu Jiang
Yann Ninot